Before I die I want to...
Own A Brand New Wheelchair For The First Time, To Enable Me To Do The Rest Of My List Secure In Mind

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Only one buckaroo has listed 'Own A Brand New Wheelchair For The First Time, To Enable Me To Do The Rest Of My List Secure In Mind' as a life goal.

Having been in a wheelchair for 11 years, not being able to use a self propelled wheelchair due to pain and not wanting to rely on others to push me around, I am extremely self dependant and hate having to rely on others. My first wheelchair cost me £100 from a scrapyard in Wales and my second was offered to me from a lady in a help group. This is now starting to breakdown more often and sometimes leaves me stranded or housebound for a while. A new chair would be a dream come true and my son is trying to raise money to purchase one for me. The only family i have is my husband and kids, we all work hard, even myself to continue to pay the bills and in 5 years, we will own our home. My dad stopped talking to me around 8 years ago as did my sister and they have made no effort to contact me since my terminal diagnosis.
