Before I die I want to...
Study Abroad

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280 buckaroos have listed 'Study Abroad' as one of their life goals:

I want study abroad because is looks cool and interesting


Sekolah di universitas ternama luar negeri


The power of hands on education is the best way to learn


I´ve always wanted to study abroad and experience what is it like.


Study an MBA or Marketing Master abroad in English I speak spanish. USA, Asutralia, Denmark or Korea


To improve myself, my English, and my knowledge about business.


I want to study in the Holy Land or in The UK


Doesnt matter which country, but sure I have some especial that I wish for.


I've only heard good things from study abroad experiences in college. To give up everything you know and jump right into a new culture and way of living is such a wonderful experience.


I want to go to a different country for a year. I want to eat what they eat go where they go. Be one of the 'locals'.


Would love to experience another culture!


I have plans to study Spanish when in Buenos Aires, Argentina summer 2012. Hopefully completed soon!
