Before I die I want to...
Go Indoor Skydiving

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165 buckaroos have listed 'Go Indoor Skydiving ' as one of their life goals:

This is something that both my son and I can enjoy, without fear or heights or planes.


I’ve never had the chance to do anything like this with my brother and it’s something we would both love to have a go at.


Because i honestly think i would wee myself if i did outdoor skydiving.


I want to expand my horizons and face my fears, so I can take my nieces and nephews on crazy adventures when they are old enough.


to float in air without jumping from a plane


I've done outdoor skydiving. Now it's time for the indoor version! I feel like I'm doing this in reverse order. Oh well!


Seen it on the TV. Looks like so much fun and would love to try it.
