Before I die I want to...
Own My Own Business

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356 buckaroos have listed 'Own My Own Business' as one of their life goals:

Owning something and being involved in a role that you can help others seems very rewarding to do for someone.


Làm chủ và chủ doanh nghiệp là điều mà tôi đang làm và trong tương lai tôi sẽ là chủ của nhiều doanh nghiệp.


Start my own travel company, open an LLC, publish a website, create marketing plan, help people in need, make money from business and be successful so I can be reliant on its income


Find a niche and something I am good at and start my own business.


Own My Own Business/Company For Me To Have Money To Buy The Things I Want And Travel To Places I Want ;) It Should Be A Well-Known Brand And Have Your Favorite Artist To Be The Advertiser


always wanted to be my own boss


I can't stand being under someone elses thumb. I want to make my own schedule and be my own boss while achieving financial independence.


Something-have many ideas for a store.


It doesn't need to be an incredibly successful international business. I just want to be able to manage my schedule and be my own boss.


I want to be a baker / chef. I want to be one of the only people with a resturant connected to a baker.


A big business making a lot of money.


Own a dog kennel/ boarding facility.


want to own my own ditillery or micro brewery


I'd like to start, run and sell a successful business.


I would love to own my own vineyard event space
