Before I die I want to...
Live In Another Country

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297 buckaroos have listed 'Live In Another Country' as one of their life goals:

Live in another country and make a new friend while exploring the daily life and becoming immersed in the culture


Would be nice to live in another country, somewhere in Europe sounds nice.


I have already done this. I have lived in France, Australia, and New Zealand. This is all I remember, in terms of that.


Curiosity. Feel out of my bubble!


Have a experience to live in another country learning about a diferent culture and nation.


I want to live in another country for a longer period of time. I’m very fascinated by culture and want to experience a different one than my own.


live abroad and experience another culture.


Immerse myself fully in a foreign country for at least 6 months.


What inspires me is the relationship between people and landscapes.


yes, I wanted to live in another country and learn their culture


After seeing some of the United Kingdom and Europe, I would love to live somewhere outside of Australia for a bit so as to soak up another culture. My dream once I have finished my Primary Education course at University is to move to London (my favourite place in the world so far)


I want to immerse myself in another culture!


Peter's got to traveled so much. A lot of the places he goes there's so much to do its absurd to even try to see EVERYTHING while visiting. it'd be cool to live somewhere in Europe and get to know the area.


Growing up, is about finding out who you are and learning about the world. There is plenty that I don't know about other cultures, and countries and frankly I think the only way to learn is by living outside of your comfort zone.


Molly-Galway, Ireland John-England, Cuba,


After traveling around Europe for six weeks and experiencing the cultures I would love to live somewhere in Europe, preferably Berlin, for possibly a year.
