Before I die I want to...
Learn Another Language Fluently

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65 buckaroos have listed 'Learn Another Language Fluently' as one of their life goals:

I want to be able to communicate with more than those who speak English.


Enrich my mind and be an expert on language somewhere other than Canada.


Languages I am interested in are: French, German, Spanish, Korean and Japanese. I already lerned quite a bit of Norwegian and would like to revisit this at some point.


I have always been interested in travel and I think it would be amazing to be able to talk to people in their native language.


A large portion of the world speaks two or more languages. It is somewhat sad that most Americans don't keep up with that. I want to break pattern and be one of the Americans who have this ability!. I have a good start on Japanese.


I'm bad at learning languages. Really bad.
