Before I die I want to...
Be Part Of A Flash Mob!

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470 buckaroos have listed 'Be Part Of A Flash Mob!' as one of their life goals:

I want to be part of a flash mob!!!


I want to be part of a flash mob at college during finals week


because i really like flash mobs


I love watching videos of flash mobs on YouTube and I would love to be involved in one.


To inspire cancer patients that there is always hope because I was a cancer patient and I could have died without doing anything exciting or adventurous in my life i want to leave my legacy or my mark on the world


I want to be part of a flash-mob...but not just any flash mob; a k-pop flash-mob!


what sparked my dream? I want to say Glee. <3


This has always been something that seems like an unforgettable experience. To do something with so many people on such a grand scale! A must.


Super silly but beautiful. Especially if it's part of a proposal. I'm a sucker for being apart of grand gestures like that.


Flash mobs give (often random) strangers the chance to make new acquaintances and even friends. The idea is very simple: promote a large group of people to do something very random and basically in unison for—according to Wikipedia— “…the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression” and even, perhaps, putting a smile on the faces of totally unsuspecting bystanders. Prominent examples include the Worldwide Pillowfight Day’s 5,000-person flash mob in New York City in 2008 and the 4,000-person Silent Disco flash mob at the London Victoria station in 2006.


its like being a part of something...belonging to something..its so much fun to see it...must be great to be a part of it


I would like to be apart of a Flash Mob!


Join in with a giant public flash mob.


Wouldn't it be cool? Black eyed peas fault...


I was inspired by a YouTube clip of a flash mob to BEP's "I've Gotta Feeling" during a farewell to Oprah concert


haha from the movie Friends With Benefits ♥
