Before I die I want to...
Give Blood

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251 buckaroos have listed 'Give Blood' as one of their life goals:

If I can manage to get over the fear


Do a good thing and give blood.


Saw that there was a need for more black donor's & I'm mixed race & thought yeah why not lol.


i want to give blood to save a life!


After 2 failed attempts to donate blood (due to the staff being unable to find my veins), I'm more determined than ever to do it.


I've been registered for some time but have never been able to donate for some reason or another. One day!


We all need to give blood to help others.


To do something nice for someone who needs blood


Conquering fears one step at a time, at the same time a small gesture goes a long way.


my father has a rare blood group, and whether or not i am the same, if i manage to help one other person, then my life has been worthwhile


elkaar een beetje helpen, fijn.


I have a fear of needles, so if I can accomplish this goal, I would have truly gotten over my fear of needles.


I know, I know... but I am ashamed to say I have not done it... YET!


I'd like to save at least one life :)


When I was in primary school a friend's dad gave blood, she came to school proudly wearing a sticker that said 'my dad gave blood', from that point onwards I have always wanted to give blood. It was the stickers and biscuits that initially attracted me, but now I know of the positive impacts on other people's lifes I am determined to as often as I can.
