Before I die I want to...
Have Children

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1406 buckaroos have listed 'Have Children' as one of their life goals:

"To the world you are a mother, but to your family you are the world!"


Maybe 2, maybe 3 Our first child will be named Rowan. <3


i want to have kids that will have a great future with no worries


I don't really know. Maybe if I did this my health would be perfect, such as in the book -- Our Babies, Ourselves. Why don't men have these issues? Is this government-rape-sexism?


I want to have at least one child by the end of the year 2030.


I want to have Kids When I grow Up I might change my Mind Idk yet but yes I would like to have kids


To be able to take care of someone that shares a part of me, to create a family and to see what it is like to be a parent.


Having children to leave a legacy


"Having the person that you love by your side and starting a family with them is the best thing that can happen, you can't ask for more."


১। ফ্লোরিডা ২। অরেগন ৩। মিশিগান ৪। কলোরাডো ৫। হাওয়াই ৬। অ্যারিজোনা ৭।উতাহ ৮। আলাস্কা ৯। মন্টানা ১০। ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া ।


I will found an NGO with a mission to widen the horizons of countless Filipino children in poverty.


I want to have 2-4 children. Two girls and two boys or just one girl and just one boy. I always thought of having kids and teaching them the ways of God.


I want to be a mom. My plan if I don't get married is to go through fertility treatments, such as Artificial Insemination to have my children.


I want cute kids with Harry, if Harry is the father there is no chance that they will be ugly.


I want to have kids before i die, whether that be adoption or my own I don't care as long as I get to have that in my life


I so so want to have at least 3 boys and a girl


I already have a daughter, but hope to have at least one more child in my life.


share your life with little people and have full home of love.


I want to have 2 children minimum, better 3 or 4. The most my health and well-being will let me :)


I love children and want to have a big family.


I want to have and raise children. I love family and kids.


Have at least 3 kids. My mom has a lot of kids and I want to have a big family too.


To pass on me and my love's genes


I want to find out what it feels like to raise a child


3 kids. boy (Trent),(Anisha),(Tamera),


Understanding how wonderful family is.


I want 2 kids (1 boy and 1 girl or 2 boys)


First, I have to find my other half, where are you?


Someday I would love to start a family with someone I love :)


I want to get children to love, i want to feel him or her kicking my belly, I want to see him or her grow. I want to feel the mother kind of love.


I had a miscarriage last week. I'm still sad. My doctor said I have to wait for 3 months before I try to get pregnant again.


Inspired by life and the greatest mother i know; Colette Butler


It would be a dream come true to have a child. I've always wanted to be a mom


Nurturing and loving my children.


In addition to being happily married, I would also love to have children.


The one thing I have ALWAYS wanted to do, from being very young!


I love kids, and really want to be a mom


I can't imagine anything more rewarding, exhausting, amazing, and hard than raising a child. Even with all that said, I dream of a family some day.


want to experience this gift of life , from feeling them inside my womb to holding them in my hands. cant wait!


I want 7 :P I might change my mind after my first pregnancy and delivery


have buetiful children and love them what so ever


I want another one after I graduate college.


I always knew that on one day I became a Mom. I'm waiting for it.. :)(Just right after the 9. on my bucket list)


I can't wait until the day I have little ones (boys, hopefully) running around saying "mommy." If it doesn't happen, I can't be upset about it. It's something I would love to experience and would cherish.


I have always loved kids but the birth of my neice made it seem more urgent to me. I would love to have 4 kids and adopt 4 kids. Preferably 4 girls and 4 boys...


Well, this is usually a result of getting married.


Name them Tyke, Noah, Norah, Ayra, Flin, Zoe, Bo or Witt.


I want to provide someone the great childhood I had.
