Before I die I want to...
Learn Japanese

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185 buckaroos have listed 'Learn Japanese' as one of their life goals:

There is this absolute hidden gem anime named Mirumo De Pon, which is not fully subbed yet. The Stardust Tonde Fansub team is working on it and I am really grateful for that, but they are also very slow. I have always found the Japanese language very adorable and this anime is the motivation for me to learn it.


I wish to travel to Japan, and I would like to have a scholar exchanged where I can learn Japanese, because I love the country and maybe some day I can live there


if i go to japan i need to know Japanese :)


So I can go to japan by myself and do what I want to do without relying on a translator. It would also be good to learn the language because I would adore being able to speak to people of a different culture.


I have to say, this is not something I want to do before I die. I am going to live forever since I am immortal. I would like to learn Japanese, though. I would like to learn all languages. I like Buddhism, and I like the famous Japanese temple that I want to visit.


Want to learn japanese to learn more about japanese culture, can communicate japanese people, want to travel japan, and last but get rid of sub.


I want to be able to read, write, speak and understand the Japanese language


I have always loved watching anime but reading the subtitles could get a bit tedious when you are also trying to watch the action. Learning Japanese can help me understand the things I watch without having to read subtitles.


It's always been a dream and I love everything about japanese culture


To learn the Japanese language.


I wanted to learn it for a very long time


i'm in love with japan. of course also animes, but the culture, the landscapes, the food and the language are what is so fascinating that i want to visit that country of my dreams. and that's why i want to learn japanese since i'm a little child.


I want to be able to backpack for a month around Japan


It's just one of my main goals


Over a 35 year span, I plan on adequately learning 16 other languages and this is the fourteenth one to learn.


I would like to learn japanese - it's in progress, I'm taking lessons.


If I want to go to Japan, speaking Japanese fluently might come in handy.


Goes hand in hand with visiting really. Would love to speak another language fluently- so why not Japanese?!


Japanese culture made me want to learn Japanese in the first place. For starters, my goal is to watch Japanese Anime/Dramas without the need for English subtitles.


I love Japan, and learning the language is essential to my future plans


Learn to speak and write fluent Japanese.


Learn Japanese well enough to converse without a translator.
