Before I die I want to...
Meet Justin Bieber

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67 buckaroos have listed 'Meet Justin Bieber' as one of their life goals:

MEET JUSTIN BIEBER! my literal everything


I want to meet Justin Bieber because ever since I heard his first song "One Time", I fell in love.


I wanna meet him, he's my biggest inspiration<3


hes been my idol for the past 4 years and he's just a small town kid from canada who forfilled his dream. i want to tell him thankyou and how much he's helped me.


he's my idol and hes a great singer.


I have a huge celebrity crush on him


I seen his gorgeous face. And heard his amazing music.


so i am 17 and at the moment he is the teen heart throb sensation for millions of girls around the world. so it would be awsome to meet the guy on my posters, and the first concert me and my best friend went to together.
