Before I die I want to...
Visit Amsterdam

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151 buckaroos have listed 'Visit Amsterdam' as one of their life goals:

Things to do (will probably be winter): - Stay in a hostel to cut costs - Visit the mouse mansion museum! - Wander around Jordaan - Hire a bike for the day and take one of the cycle routes - Visit the Van Gough museum and the Rijksmuseum - Try the nightlife - Visit the Anne Frank house - Go to IJ-Hallen - Have a picnic in the central park - A'DAM lookout and swing -In't Aepjen -Hortus Botanicus -Kattenkabinet -Selfie at the penis fountain -Red light secrets -eat salted herring and stroopwaffles -la tertulia


.... one of the major cities in the world I want to visit.


It's a beautiful city that is very romantic


I want to see the different type of culture there. The culture is very different from America because prostitution is legal which is called red light trafficing and smoking weed is also legal. I just think it would be cool to see the differences between the two.


BOOKED! In July, I'll be off to Amsterdam for my honeymoon for four nights.


The fault in our stars was filmed here... nuf said!
